Filmed in Lagos, Nigeria, the web-series (which premieres on Ndani TV) follows the not so straight-forward life of a young Nigerian woman, Tiwa. A radio host with a complicated love life - an ex-boyfriend who just won't leave her alone; an animative and hilarious mother who is desperate to see her married; and a cunning and cheeky sister, who she doesn't quite see eye to eye with.
Skinny Girl in Transit is ten out of ten for laughter and entertainment. The show does extremely well in capturing a modern day city and family life in Nigeria. It is a far cry from the negative visuals that Western media thrives in perpetuating across mainstream media.
What makes this show even more enjoyable is that you don't have to be Nigerian to find it entertaining. The well-adept cast speak English and sometimes Yoruba - don't worry you won't miss a joke with the English subtitles.
Watch this well-produced show with your family and friends; you won't regret it. It has everything you need for entertainment plus more.
Catch up with the latest four episodes of season two below. Or scroll to very bottom of this page to watch season one - episode one (be warned! the first two minutes will have you rolling on the floor with laughter!)
If you're new to show, you can watch the first episode of season one below.
Have you watched Skinny Girl in Transit? What do you think?
Writer - @Kofi Dwaah
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